Friday, January 1, 2010

Looking back on Week 16

On Saturday pappa and Oupa left for Azerbaijan and that left mamma and ouma home with little Mikael...oooh did we have fun!!! See pictures :) But we missed them SOOO super much as well!!!
*This week Mikael wanted to be straight up in a sitting position basically all the time :) I guess he enjoys it :) He can also hold himself in a "gorilla" sitting position.
*Mikael started pulling faces :) It is so cute!!! One night Mikael pulled his lower lip down and when ouma or mamma copied him, he cracked up laughing :) It was a fun game :)
*Mikael is also VERY ticklish!!! Just all of a sudden out of no where while mamma was changing him on Saturday night he wiggled and giggled. It was so cute and SOOO much fun!!!! :)
*Mamma had to take all of Mikael teddy bears and toys out of his cot this week as Mikael started grabbing on to them, even in his sleep, and it wakes him up.
Mikael is growing so fast now, and developing so quickly!!! Praise the Lord that he is healthy, happy and that he is a VERY content baby!!!

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