Friday, January 29, 2010

Looking back on Week 20

This week We were blessed this whole week with an amazing sight outside. The temperatures have all been below 20 C, so we were not able to go on walks this week. But the scenery was beautiful! Snow makes the winter worth while! :)
Mikael has been very fussy and fighting gasses again this week. Praise the Lord though that he is so super sweet about it!
Mikael started “rolling over” this week, but with our help. When we did his exercises ("hierdie kant toe, daardie kant toe") he pulled himself to his side and then got his bum over and whalla… he rolled. :)It was VERY exciting for mommy and daddy to see!! We are very proud of him.
It looks as if Mikael’s eyes are changing. His eyes have been crystal blue, and now it seems as if they are changing to beautiful green eyes :) In some light they still look crystal blue and in others a little green, so we will see. :)
He is holding his own weight when we put him in a standing position! He does not have balance at all yet, but mommy and Mikael do go for “walks” all around mommy and daddy’s bed :) He LOVES it!
Mikael is reaching and holding on to things more and more, especially mommy's hair! It is fun to see how he is getting more and more interactive with the people around him :)
Mommy and daddy noticed that Mikael has red cheeks this week… we searched online and asked his grandmothers and we all think it is teeth! Yippeee, they might be showing soon!!!
Mommy started online massage classes with a friend of hers in Kiev! It has been super fun to learn how to massage Mikael correctly and needless to say he LOVES it!!! :)

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