Saturday, January 23, 2010

Looking back on Week 19

This week was not such a happy week for Mikael something is REALLY bothering him and we can’t really figure out what it is. We just continue to pray for him.
One thing that did make Mikael wiggle with laughter was the phrase, “Yes, we can”. Every time we said it to him he would absolutely crack up and start wiggling:) It was so fun to watch him!!
Mikael did not want to do his arm exercises this week, maybe something is hurting in his arms, maybe growth pains, who knows. Maybe someday he will be able to tell us :)
Also this week we were showered with SNOW again!!! We woke up on Sunday morning to an amazingly beautiful winter wonderland! Praise the Lord for the beauty of winter!
Mikael during his massage! He LOVES it!

Enjoying freedom! :)

Mikael in his beloved bath with his pappa

Mikael- our little rapper :)

Mikael intertwining his fingers together. He looks super smart when he does this!

Mikael smiling away!

"Yes we can!"

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