Friday, December 25, 2009

Looking back on Week 15

Wow, this week has just flown by again!!
We had tons of "battles" with gasses this week, but praise the Lord there were four sets of hands to help :) What a super blessing it is to have oupa and ouma here!!!
This week on Tuesday we went to the clinic for Mikael's check up. Guess how much Mikael weighs now?? 8kgs!!!! AND he is 66cm long now!!! Wow, how he grows!!!
On Wednesday mamma packed away all his 3-6 month clothes because they are just too small for him. It was sad, but once again exciting as he got to try on his "new" set of clothes. :)
Also this week we started realizing that he is looking at things and consciously grabbing on to things :) It is fun to watch him :)
We also clipped his toe nails this week, yes for the first time!!! Can you believe it! It tickled him SO much, but I think he liked it over all :)
He is also starting to kick his little legs and "flap" his arms when he is excited about something. It is fun to see :)
Today is Christmas and we had a BEAUTIFUL white day!!! We had tons of fun with Mikael and also enjoyed getting him all dressed up :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all!!! :)

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