Friday, April 23, 2010

Looking back on Week 32

Wow, what a week, what a week!! :)
Mikael is just such an amazing blessing to us and we just keep thanking the Lord for him!!! He is such a treasure!!
AND spring has finally arrived!! It seems as if the world turned green over night!! It is so BEAUTIFUL!!!! Praise the Lord!!!
Pappa came back on Saturday and the funny part was that usually Mikael has been waking up really early in the mornings, around 5-6am. Pappa usually takes him and lets mamma sleep in some. Well, while pappa was gone, Mikael slept till 8-9am in the morning!!! On Sunday morning, the first morning when pappa was back, Mikael went back to his 5-6am wake up time!!! It is amazing!!! He knows!!!!
Mikael has had a really hard week this week, but he has been really, REALLY sweet about it. Something is really bothering him. He is not sleeping well again at nights and it has even been difficult to nurse him. Because of that he has also had a lot of spit up, as he is swallowing a lot of air again. And if we thought he was drooling a lot last week- wow, he is drooling super tons this week!!! He is VERY fussy. On Wednesday mamma even tried to give him some gripe water to see if that would help him. But it did not seem to help :( We don’t know if it is gasses, or teeth or whatever, but something is not right. Even so though, Mikael is full of smiles :)
This week:
*Mikael started “exercising” his tongue. He sticks it out and twirls it, rolls it and whatever else with it :)
*He started making a new sound this week- he sticks out his tongue and blows really hard :)
*He has really been staring a lot this week- apparently he is “studying” the world around him.
*On Thursday Mikael once again discovered that he can walk backwards in his walker. He did that a few weeks ago, but then stopped, not sure why, but he has re-discovered it and wow, is he fast!!!! :)
*He is “pulling” a new smiley face- he scrunches up his nose and smiles lifting his cheeks, squishing his eyes- it is hard to explain but it is SOOO super cute!! We will try and catch him in action :)
*We started building "towers" with Mikael using his yellow shapes and he LOVES braking down the towers :) We have tons of fun with him! :)
*Today we also bought Mikael his potty!!! Yip, we are going to try and start potty training him :) We put him on the potty, but the first time has been a bit rough… maybe things will be better next week :) Stay tuned…

Mikael and his new found friend, Godwin, at church

Mikael playing on the bed...

Mikael and his beloved red bowl :)

Beautiful hands...


Smiles away! :)

Some of Mikael's new expressions

Mamma and Mikael

Mikael enjoying his Rooibos tea :)

Mamma and Mikael having fun

Soccor 2010- Here we come!!!!

The TOOTH!!!!!! :)

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