Friday, April 16, 2010

Looking back on Week 31

This week has just flown by again!! I can’t believe that Mikael is already SEVEN MONTHS OLD!!!! WOW!!!! He is growing WAAYYYY too quickly!!!
On Saturday this week we went on a walk with our friend Zhenya and her little boy Lucas. It was super fun, especially for mamma to spend some time with another mommy!! :) Mikael slept through the whole time, and Lucas had so much fun running around in the little park near our house. Lucas is exactly 6 months older than Mikael- they share their half birthdays!! :)
On Sunday Mikael turned 7 months old and with it he cut his first tooth!!! It was so SUPER exciting!!! The tooth is there!!! (You can hardly see it though as Mikael loves to play with it with his tongue :))
On Tuesday this week we were back at the doctors. The LOR (the throat, nose and ear specialist) said that she was very happy with him and his nose has totally cleared up, yipppeee. The eye doctor was not so happy- so we are praying and thinking of what to do next. (She wants us to try different antibiotics, but we will wait.)
Mikael continues to watch us VERY intensely, especially at the table. He started making chewing movements while we are eating and when we drink from a cup, he smacks his lips together and tries to grab onto our cups. The funny part though is that when we put the cup down he stops making the noises. :) So…. on Tuesday, Mikael drank from a cup for the first time!!! It was so cute to see the excitement in his eyes!!! (He drank mamma’s milk from the cup, but still it is a start :) ) AND then on Thursday Mikael started drinking some rooibos tea from a cup :)
Mikael also is having super fun at bath times! He is splashing more and more and mamma is getting more and more wet :) It is very fun!! :)
He also started drooling like crazy again!!! And he has rosy cheeks, AND he can be playing all happily and then all of a sudden he gets VERY upset… maybe another tooth??
Mikael is sitting up SUPER well!!! He loves playing with mamma’s red mixing bowl and his toys while sitting up- especially the small yellow shapes that ouma Naomi gave him :). He makes lots of noise with the toys and it is just so super to watch him play so well. :)
Pappa left for Kiev on Thursday and will be back tomorrow morning!!! Can’t wait for him to come home again!!!!!

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