Friday, April 9, 2010

Looking back on Week 30

Wow, wow, wow, what a week of happenings!!! :)

This last Sunday we celebrated Easter Sunday!!! The Lord has RISEN!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Mikael enjoyed looking and playing with his first “Easter basket”, see photo below. No chocolate yet though :)

Today mamma had to go to the dentist as she was having a terrible toothache, so pappa and Mikael stayed at home. Mikael did SUPER well and we were so proud of him!!!
He is still not feeling too well. He is still coughing and he still has a runny nose. :(

Mikael did something really AMAZING this week. He loves reading, and we have known that for a looonnngg time now, but this week he has started showing interest/preference to some books above others. When you show him the books that he really likes he smiles and giggles, and when we show him the books that he is not so into, he just looks at them.

On Saturday Mikael and mamma had hiccups together :) It was so fun :)

On Tuesday we went to the clinic for Mikael’s check up. He now weighs 10.6kgs (23.59lbs) and is 75.5cm (29.8 in) long!!!! WOW!!! He is a BIG boy!!! The doctor sent us to some specialized doctors to see what if they could tell what is wrong with Mikael, he has been sick for over two weeks now :( We went to the “LOR” this is a doctor that specializes in the throat, ear, and nose areas and she said that we will have to do some procedures to clean out his nose. So for the next three days we had to go to the clinic and have them suck out all the nasty stuff from his nose. He actually did really well. He cried at times, but then once it was done, he gave the nurse a big old smile :) The eye specialist also saw him and they are not too happy about the yellow stuff coming out of his eye. It is not an internal problem, just something that is irritating and causing an infection in his eye. So we have been giving Mikael some drops for that.

This week:

*Mikael is chewing on EVERYTHING!!!

*Daddy and Mikael have been doing some exercises together to encourage Mikael to roll over more. They have both been enjoying it. When Mikael wants to roll over he does no problem, but if he does not want to, there is really nothing that will make him roll over.

*By the end of the week he has been rolling over so many times and even “snailed” backwards on his belly!!! :)

*When Mikael is on his belly he tries to lift up his bottom :)
*Mikael started “talking” more

*He started nodding his head in a “yes” motion. It is SOOO cute!!!!

*Mikael is actually; well it seems to mamma and pappa, responding to his name!! It is super exciting!!!

*Mikael can stand (if we are holding him). He just has absolutely NO balance :)

*Mikael used to hold one toy in one hand and when we offered him another toy, he would drop the one in his hand and take the other toy… well this week he figured out that he has two hands and that he can hold TWO toys at once :) We are still not sure if he is left or right handed as he still uses both hands equally. Hmmm, which one will it be? :)

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