Friday, November 20, 2009

Looking back on Week 10

Wow, mamma and pappa can't believe that yet another week has just flown by!
Mikael has done so well this week and we are so proud of him! He has had quiet a week!
On Tuesday we went to the children's hospital about a block away from our place to meet our doctor :) She was very nice and enjoyed the time with Mikael. Mikael also enjoyed her! Praise the Lord! The exciting thing is that Mikael has put on more weight and is really growing at quiet a rate! :) He now weights 6.500kg and is 62cm long! He has grown a full 10cm since his birth! The doctor said that he is the size of a three and a half month old baby :)
Mikael has been MUCH more attentive this week. We can see that he is really studying us with his eyes, especially our faces. On Monday he was just staring at mamma's smile for a long time and then out of no where he gave mamma about 9 smiles back :) It was AMAZING!!! :) He is also following his rattle around with his eyes and is grabbing on to anything that is lying close to him. :)
Mikael's "adopted" grandma Marty and Grandpa Roy came to visit this week! They are just such a blessing to us three and they LOVED holding and loving on little Mikael! :) While Grandma Marty was visiting us, she noticed that Mikael was talking!! :) And here we were thinking that he was just crying in a different way, so Mikael has actually been talking for a while!!! :)
This week has been hard though as Mikael has REALLY been struggling with gasses/digestive issues. The doctor did give us some herbal medicine to give him and it worked and helped him, but the gasses just came back after every feeding :( He is doing better at the end of the week. Mamma and pappa hope that next week will be easier for little Mikael.

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