Friday, November 27, 2009

Looking back on Week 11

This week has been so interesting because Mikael developing DAILY!!! :) He is changing so much- learning and taking in all that he sees and hears!
Mikael started showing a different sleeping pattern this week, he is MUCH more awake and sleeps less. This is super fun as we get more "playtime" with him :)
Grandma Marty and Grandpa Roy spent Saturday with us and Mikael enjoyed his time with them so much! He enjoyed being held and loved by them and he also enjoyed staring at their glasses- he had never seen those before :) Uncle Steve and Aunty Glenda also came to visit this week from Nikoliev and it was SO wonderful to see them as well!!! :)
Mikael also started drooling this week! How fun! :) He has also been smiling SOOOO much more and even giggles!!! Oh so cute!!!! He is also talking TONS and enjoys playing "I spy with my little eye..." with pappa :)
Mamma had a sad yet exciting moment this week. Mikael has outgrown all his 0-3 month clothes and mamma had to pack them all away :( BUT the fun part was getting out the "new" 3-6 month clothes and dressing him up :) It is exciting to see him grow so fast, but mamma's heart is also sad at the same time. He will never be so little again!
On Friday Mikael attended his first thanksgiving dinner!!! It was the first time that he was surrounded by so many new faces, and he LOVED it!! There were three little kids there as well. Mikael and them just had a ball. Mikael of course did not want to sleep with all the action and new things going on so when we got home, actually as we placed him in his carry bag, he just passed out :)
How much we have to be thankful for!! Mikael has come such a long way, he is growing and learning, he is HEALTHY!!!! HE IS HERE!!!! Praise the Lord for all the precious gifts that He has given us!!!!
AND we are praising the Lord for next week Friday, as Oupa Inus and Ouma Naomi are arriving!!! YIPPPEEEEEE, we just can't wait!!!!!

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