Monday, February 28, 2011

February 2011 - 16 MONTHS!

Wow 16 months! Time has been flying! Especially being at Ouma and Oupa's house!
On the 7th we had to get ready to fly out to go back home, it was a sad time of goodbyes, but we are very much looking forward to Oupa maybe coming in the summer to visit and be with us at summer camp!!!! :)
Getting back home was very different, cold, grey and dark. Mikki misses his ouma, oupa and family that side. He misses being able to just go outside into the sunshine and playing with the dogs. Here mamma dresses him with layers and layers and layers and it takes forever to get out.
This month Mikki got another two teeth! During our time in South Africa he got six teeth!!! Wow, we should go there more often :) So now Mikki has 14 teeth!
This month Mikki has been changing so much! He is growing daily and is doing so well!!
Some highlights:
*He started saying "sssssss" for the sound a snake makes :)
*Started kicking a ball
*He tries to say "woof" for the sound a dog makes, but he only gets "ffff" out. :) It is so cute!!!!
*He started saying ball, he says it with the double "ll" sound silent :) It is so cute!
*He is bouncing on his big ball all by himself! Ok, well he holds on to the couch but it is still amazing!!!!
*And the best of the month, is probably that when he is asks how old he is, he shows the number 1 with his pointy finger!! :)
He is getting so smart, so big, and so much more amazing!!! Mamma and pappa love him so much and are so proud of him!

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