Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010!

It is Christmas Day!
Praise the Lord for coming to this earth, humbled as a mere baby - for us!
We as a family had a wonderful time celebrating the birth of our Saviour all together. All of the family were together! Even mamma's sister and her family came all the way from the States!!! We had LOADS of fun together as a family and it was just such a blessing to be all together!

Christmas "stocking bags"

We had Christmas lunch at Mikki's great aunty's place and for lunch we had a traditional "POKIE KOS"
Two of Mikki's cousins, (from left to right) Naomi and Laila 
Oupa receiving the first gift- his Santa hat of course! Great Excitement!!! 

Mikki's Uncle Pieter and Aunty Nikki

Oupa and Aunty Zandri

Great Oupa and Ouma

The girls decorating their very own Christmas tree! (From left to right) Naomi, Laila and Mia.

Our very "normal" family- Great Uncle Jacques and Aunty Zandri

Great Uncle Frans and Aunty Liezel 

Oupa and Ouma!!!!

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