Friday, August 20, 2010

Looking back on Week 49

Well mamma is way behind on Mikael's website, so she has decided to start again this week and work backwards till she catches up :O) Sorry!!!
This week has been very amazing… and challenging!! :)
On Wednesday last week we started seeing white "sponge-like" spots on Mikael's tongue, at first we thought that it was just from the milk, but now we are thinking that it might be thrush. Fun, fun, fun!! It spread to the inside of his lips and also some on the inside of his cheeks. Anyway, we have been putting a solution of baking soda and water in his mouth and it seems to be getting better :) He really does not like this, but he has been doing well with it :)
Today he started being VERY “sensitive” and fussy. If he hits himself lightly with his toys, then he starts to cry, cry, cry. We gave him some oral jel, and it seemed to help, maybe teeth are coming through again???
Highlights this week:
*We celebrated Pappa’s 30th birthday on Sunday!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPPA!!! Mikael gave pappa a wonderful gift- he started crawling on all fours!!!! :)
* We have been trying to teach Mikki how to get off of our bed safely, by sliding down on his belly, well on Monday he slid off our bed all by himself! It was so funny to watch his facial expressions!!!
* Out of sight… out of mind… yip maybe this was true a week ago, but now when we take things away from Mikki, or hid things, or put them out of sight, Mikki will go and look for them. Our little curious George :)
* Mikki is walking much better and with much more confidence with our help. He is VERY careful and does not step out without holding on to something. I guess we are glad for this in a way as he has hardly been falling :) He is figuring it all out so well!
* Also Aunty Charlene and Uncle Ron came to visit us!!! It was so fun seeing them again!!! Mikki had LOADS of fun with them :)

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