Friday, May 21, 2010

Looking back on Week 36

This week has been really hard as Mikki has been SUPER fussy. We are not sure why this is, but maybe he is teething??? He is really fussy especially at night time, when I put him down he basically wakes up every hour till around 12-1am and then after that maybe once or twice again till around 6am :( Please pray that God would give us wisdom as to what to do :(
Mikki has been trying some new foods this week and he has been doing very well :)
He tried bananas on Saturday, Oats on Wednesday, Cauliflower on Thursday and prunes today! :)
This week:
*Mikki also had very rosy cheeks this week?
*He is walking in his walker SO well!!! He is getting to be very fast! He moves backwards, forwards and even from side to side!! He is becoming quiet the "walker driver" :)
*This week Mikki started exploring mamma’s garbage in the kitchen, the kitchen chairs, and not to forget the oven!! Why is it that it seems as if they always go for the most dangerous things!!
*More than ever Mikki seems super interested in everything and anything!!! He is getting into all kinds of things :)
*He started nodding his head again this week; he has not done that for a while.
*We have been to the eye clinic twice this week and today was the hardest ever! We waited for a super long time for them to see us!!! Anyway it looks as if we are going to have to do the procedure. :( It is scheduled for the second of June. Please be praying for Mikki.
*He is making many new sounds this week :) It is so amazing, even though he is not feeling too well, he is still so cheerful and full of energy!
*He is using the potty really well!!!
*He is copying us, or trying to copy us in a lot of things that we do even facial expressions! It is super fun to watch him!!!

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