Friday, May 21, 2010

Looking back on Week 36

This week has been really hard as Mikki has been SUPER fussy. We are not sure why this is, but maybe he is teething??? He is really fussy especially at night time, when I put him down he basically wakes up every hour till around 12-1am and then after that maybe once or twice again till around 6am :( Please pray that God would give us wisdom as to what to do :(
Mikki has been trying some new foods this week and he has been doing very well :)
He tried bananas on Saturday, Oats on Wednesday, Cauliflower on Thursday and prunes today! :)
This week:
*Mikki also had very rosy cheeks this week?
*He is walking in his walker SO well!!! He is getting to be very fast! He moves backwards, forwards and even from side to side!! He is becoming quiet the "walker driver" :)
*This week Mikki started exploring mamma’s garbage in the kitchen, the kitchen chairs, and not to forget the oven!! Why is it that it seems as if they always go for the most dangerous things!!
*More than ever Mikki seems super interested in everything and anything!!! He is getting into all kinds of things :)
*He started nodding his head again this week; he has not done that for a while.
*We have been to the eye clinic twice this week and today was the hardest ever! We waited for a super long time for them to see us!!! Anyway it looks as if we are going to have to do the procedure. :( It is scheduled for the second of June. Please be praying for Mikki.
*He is making many new sounds this week :) It is so amazing, even though he is not feeling too well, he is still so cheerful and full of energy!
*He is using the potty really well!!!
*He is copying us, or trying to copy us in a lot of things that we do even facial expressions! It is super fun to watch him!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Looking back on Week 35

Mikael is eight months old!!!! Yip, on Tuesday Mikael turned the BIG eight!!! Wow how time flies!!! We went for his monthly check up and he now weighs 11kgs (around 24 pound) and is 77cm (around 30 inches) long!!!! A BIG boy! :)
Grandma left on Saturday and oh, how we miss her!!! Mikael had a super time with her, and so did mamma and pappa :)

Mamma made Mikael’s food more watery this week, and he did better with it. Probably the new textures are bothering him. He ate much better this week than last week. :)
Cabbage 10.05 – bad idea! Poor Mikael had TONS of gasses :(

This Week:
*Mikael picked at his ears, they bled really badly and now he has pretty bad looking scabs. The doctor checked and he does not have an ear infection, she thinks it might be teeth.
Look at that ear... :(

*He is moving more and more. Always on the go. No signs of crawling yet, last week he was doing so well and this week he is just not interested :( On Wednesday though he did do some soldier crawling :) Mainly he just wants us to hold him in a standing position the whole time. Mamma’s back is feeling it!!!
*“Aunty” Zhenya and little Lucas, Mikael friend and came to visit on Friday!!! Lucas is exactly to the day six months older than Mikael!! They share their half birthdays! They had tons of fun together, and so did the two mommies :) Mikael was just wondering how Lucas gets up and runs so fast, well at least that’s how it looked like to mamma :)

*Mikael is starting to try and copy sounds that we make. :) It is so funny to watch him! Mamma and Pappa put up some animal posters, and coloured them, hee hee, to help Mikael see the animals and make their sounds :)
*Along with the check up this week, Mikael also got his shots again. He did super well with them! :)
*Mikael has been sharing this week!!! It is so sweet!! When he is playing with something, he will offer it to you and watch you play with it for a while. Wondering what he is thinking :)

Mikael and Mamma telling stories :)

Beautiful, beautiful!!!

One step, two step, tickling under there :)

The crazy girls :) (Babushka on the left, mamma in the middle, and Aunty Nadia on the right)

Mikael and his Aunty Nadia

Friday, May 7, 2010

Looking back on Week 34

This week we are crowning as the “tooth week” :) On Monday Mikael’s second front bottom tooth came out and today one of his top teeth came out, not quiet sure which one, either the second or third one. Yipppeeee!! So the weeks before were because of teeth!! Praise the Lord!! Two more out now just a "few" more :)

Babushka (Grandma in Russian) came to visit this week!!! It has been soooo amazing to have her here!!! We love having her over with us. Tomorrow she will be leaving and we will miss her so much!!!

On Saturday Mikael swung on a swing for the first time… well with mamma :) He LOVED it :)
We have also started feeding Mikael some different solids with week. On Saturday he had some potatoes, see the photos and you can be the judge as to how much he liked them :)

On Monday he tried some carrots mixed in with the potatoes. It went a little better :)

Mikael is also eating apples and drinks rooibos tea as well as some apple “kompot”, (this is the water in which the apples have been boiled.) from his new sippy cup!!! He LOVES his sippy cup, he just has not figured out how to "suck" from it.

Babushka has been a great help in getting him to try more things :)

"Aunty" Zhenya also borrowed us a play pin for Mikael to play in, but it was super too small for him :( Look at that face...

This week:
*Mikael gives us a great big smile when we say “na,na” when it is nursing time
* Mikael is in the process of learning how to crawl… backwards (Don’t know where he saw that?) He wants to crawl so much! He moves his bum but his legs just don’t “get it” yet.
*Mikael does not want to just sit on our laps anymore, he just wants to move, move, move :)
*He has been holding himself up so well when we have him in a standing position and yesterday he actually started walking in his walker!!! YES, he took four clear steps!!! When we put him in a standing position, holding his arms, he walks really well too, but he does best in his walker.

*We went to the Odessa Ladies Meeting on Thursday and Mikael did super well. Little Sierra is such a super friend to little Mikael! :)
*Mikael’s eyes are doing better as well. We were at the doctor’s again on Tuesday and he is very happy with the progress. Mikael’s eyes seem to be sorting themselves out with the help of the drops, so for now they will not be doing the procedure!! Yipppeeee!!!
*Last night was the first night in a long time that Mikael slept through the night!!! Mamma felt like a new person! God knows just what we need when we need it!!!

Pappa and Mikael playing:

Mikael is a VERY focused little guy, when he is busy with something you can stand on your head, but he will not be moved:

Mikael is also a VERY content little guy:


Mikael relaxing as he eats:

An elephant goes....