Friday, March 26, 2010

Looking back on Week 28

Mikael went on his first picnic this week!!! Yes, on Saturday we had a picnic at the 4/11th Battery Station Park with the basketball team and the people that we have been ministering to during last week. It was so much fun and Mikael LOVED seeing all the new faces!!! We also went to church and it was so wonderful to fellowship and worship all together again!!!
On Monday Mikael started coughing and had a runny nose :( No fun at all. So on Thursday we called the doctor. She came and said that Mikael has a cold. She told us what medicines to give him to help him fight it and so we have been giving him some but for now he is not better, it has only been one day though, so we will see :)
This week Mikael also has not wanted to drink much. He will nurse about half way and then stop, and then continues to nurse about an hour later, maybe because he is not feeling well. Also Mikael has been waking up TONS during the night some nights even up to seven times!!! So please be praying for him (and mamma), about that.
Some fun things this week-
*On Sunday Mikael splashed SOOO much in the bath!! It was so much fun seeing him enjoy it so much. Mamma was all wet!!! (Mamma usually sits on the floor beside the bath to help pappa, who is in the bath, with Mikael.)
*Mikael is sitting very confidently this week
*He is jerking back his head when he is sitting/on his belly, but like WAAAYYY back. Not quiet sure way.
*Last week Mikael realized that he can throw his toys, well this week he realized he can throw them backwards too :)
*Oh and by the way the clothes that Mikael is wearing at the moment are 12 month clothes!!!!! He is growing so fast!!! (BIG THANK YOU aunty Marieke for sending him tons of funky clothes :) )

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