Friday, February 19, 2010

Looking back on Week 23

Wow, another week!!! Mikael is doing so well!!
This week we went to church!!! Mikael did SO well!!! He loved seeing the many faces, the music and listening to his daddy translate :) He even got a small nap in :) It was Valentine’s Day so he got to go with mommy and daddy to a Pizzeria to celebrate :) It was fun.
A MAJOR thing that happened this week was that on Monday night he slept through the whole night!!!! Yes, you read correctly- he slept through from 8pm right through to 8:40am!!! It was amazing!!! Mommy still woke up at 1am and then again at 3am in a spin and panic- “why is he not crying, is he still breathing?????” Praise the Lord that he has started sleeping through even though it was just Monday night :) It is a start :)
On Tuesday we went to the clinic for his monthly check up. He is growing at an amazing rate!!! He now weighs 9.5kgs (20.90 lb.) and is 74 cm (29.1 in) long!!! He has grown SO much!!!
Mommy also packed away all his 6-9 month clothes this week :( Once again mommy was filled with mixed feelings. But she is so proud of her little Mikael!!!
Pappa left for Kiev on Wednesday night to go to the South African Embassy to hand in Mikael’s birth registration. All went well and he was back the very next day! A VERY fast trip!!!
Elizabeth, mommy’s good friend, and little Hannah, she is around 16 months (mommy will have to get photos of them) came to visit and they brought Mikael their walker!!!! He is not too sure about it yet, but he does not mind it :) It was fun to see how Mikael responded to little Hannah. At first they were both like “who is this small person”, and then by the end they were playing together with Mikael’s hanging toys :) Hannah is older than Mikael but Mikael is MUCH bigger than she is. We handed down one of Mikael’s 6-9 month baby grows!!! It was fun!
This week---
*Mikael is starting to make a new sound; he puts his lips together and then blows through them! :)
*Mikael has been staying awake for about one and a half- two hours in between his day naps, AND he is just passing out in the evenings, fun filled days!!! :)

Mikael on "Uncle Nate"'s lap :)

Mikael enjoying his new walker :)

Mikael in his walker

Smiles away (in his size 9 month clothes)

Mommy and Mikael

Pappa and Mikael reading (Mikael LOVES reading!!!!!)

Mikael and his favourite Mr. Dog

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