Friday, December 25, 2009

Looking back on Week 15

Wow, this week has just flown by again!!
We had tons of "battles" with gasses this week, but praise the Lord there were four sets of hands to help :) What a super blessing it is to have oupa and ouma here!!!
This week on Tuesday we went to the clinic for Mikael's check up. Guess how much Mikael weighs now?? 8kgs!!!! AND he is 66cm long now!!! Wow, how he grows!!!
On Wednesday mamma packed away all his 3-6 month clothes because they are just too small for him. It was sad, but once again exciting as he got to try on his "new" set of clothes. :)
Also this week we started realizing that he is looking at things and consciously grabbing on to things :) It is fun to watch him :)
We also clipped his toe nails this week, yes for the first time!!! Can you believe it! It tickled him SO much, but I think he liked it over all :)
He is also starting to kick his little legs and "flap" his arms when he is excited about something. It is fun to see :)
Today is Christmas and we had a BEAUTIFUL white day!!! We had tons of fun with Mikael and also enjoyed getting him all dressed up :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all!!! :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Looking back on Week 14

This week went a little slower as Mikael was having a lot of tummy problems and on top of that he was sick :( We are SOO super blessed though to have oupa and ouma here to help and stand by us! Praise the Lord!!!
At the end of this week Mikael was doing much better health wise! Praise the Lord!!
Also he is smiling more and more especially at pappa and oupa :) He is so amazing, even though he was not feeling well and his belly was hurting, he still smiled!!! God has blessed us with an amazing gift in little Mikael!!!
Mikael is also able to hold his head up and even turns his head, while its up, to look at things around him! It is so amazing to see him developing.
On the 13th the girls and ladies from church threw mamma and Mikael a baby shower!!! It was tons of fun and Mikael got lots of goodies!
Also, talking about dates, on the 16th mamma and pappa celebrated their 5th year wedding anniversary!!! We went to a pizzeria and had a good time together! Ouma and Oupa stayed home and watched Mikael.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Looking back on Week 13

This week Mikael is officially not a baby anymore but an infant AND today he is 3 months old!!!! :)
This week has really just flown by, I know that I am writing that each week now, but with little Mikael time really does fly! :)
Ouma and Oupa arrived safely in Odessa on Saturday and wow, what an amazing blessing it is to have them here!!!!
Mikael LOVES them so much and especially enjoys his times with his oupa (He is only smiling at his pappa and his oupa, mamma and ouma's time will come though).
Mikael also really enjoys the welcome sign that mommy made for ouma and oupa. I guess he likes the contrasts on it :)
Mikael has done so well this week, he has started drinking MUCH better and hardly swallows air!!! (Mamma is really rejoicing about that!)
On Monday early in the morning Mikael did an amazing thing! Mamma had put him down after he nursed and out of no where he started giggling!!! He giggled for a good two minutes or even longer! It was so CUTE!!!!
On Thursday morning early Mikael was not feeling well though, his nose was really runny and he was coughing a lot. So we asked the nurse to come and look at him. She said that the doctor will come the next day to look at him too. (Yes, here in the Ukraine when your baby is sick, the nurse and doctor will come to your house/apartment and look at your little one.) It ended up that he had a sinus throat infection so the medication should clear it all up for him. Praise the Lord for the amazing doctor that He has blessed us with!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Looking back on Week 12

This week has gone by so fast! Mikael is growing so fast and is just so incredible.
This week Mikael started smiling even more- especially at his pappa :)
He has also been lifting up his head more when he is lying on his belly.
He had some rough times this week with gasses or something, but we are learning and hoping that it will soon be something of the past.
Also we realized that Ouma and Oupa are only coming tomorrow and not today as we thought, they first have to fly out before they can fly in :) (We had the dates mixed up). BUT they will arrive tomorrow!!! Yipppeeeeee!! Mikael just can't wait! AND neither can his mamma and pappa :)