Friday, October 30, 2009

Looking back on Week 7

Wow, time just flies with little Mikael!
Highlights of this week-
On Thursday night during bath time Mikael started kicking his legs and splashing his arms!!! He had such a good time in the bath! It was fun to see him enjoying it so much!
Mikael has been more awake this week. Looking around and taking in everything he sees! It is so wonderful to see his eyes so alive! :)
ALSO and this is probably the biggest highlight... we are only nursing now!!! Mikael has done a great job!
This coming weekend we will borrow a scale and we will see just how much milk he is getting in at each feeding.
Sadly no photos this week, the camera is having issues... hopefully more next week :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Looking back on Week 6

This week has been very exciting and we really have so much to be thankful for!
Mikael has been putting on some weight! On Monday we went to the hospital for a check up and he now weighs 4.710 kgs! ALSO the doctor was very happy with how he looks. He is not yellow anymore!!! Praise the Lord!!!
Also, on Monday we along with the doctor thought it would be good if we tried to only nurse him and then in the late evenings/early mornings we would give him some formula, just to help him sleep that little bit extra :) Mikael did VERY well with it! Praise the Lord!
God has been so good to us this week!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Looking back on Week 5

This week just flew by! :)
Mikael has been sleeping and eating much better. Mamma has also been doing better-nursing wise and we are all working hard at getting Mikael back on just nursing :)
Mikael and pappa have been going on lots of walks this week as well... and needless to say- they both LOVED it!
Gasses have been a problem this week though, but we are all learning AND mamma is really watching what she is eating.
It has been a really good week over all especially since we were able to spend it together!!! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Looking back on Week 4

Mikael has had quiet a week this week! He has been working hard at picking up weight and pick up he did!!! He weighed 3.360kg today!!! We were able to go home on Monday and it has been WONDERFUL being back home!!! We really missed pappa!!We have been giving Mikael a mix of formula and then after that nursing him for about 10 minutes. He is doing well with that. Mamma and pappa pray that he will be able to get back to only being nursed soon :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Looking back on Week 3

This week we spent mostly at the hospital. Mikael and mamma got to go home Monday night, and again on Tuesday night to take a bath and just relax :) It was wonderful to be able to be close to pappa again!!! Pappa LOVED having us back too, and just loved on Mikael and mamma.
On Wednesday the doctor s put Mikael on formula. Mamma was not able to produce enough milk for him. But this way he will be able to gain the much needed weight!!!
Pappa has been a star bringing mamma food everyday! He is not allowed to see Mikael or come into the hospital room where we are staying, but mamma can meet him in the hall for a few minutes three times a day. Mamma and Mikael miss having pappa around!!!!
Even though this week has been REALLY hard for Mikael, mamma and pappa, Mikael has been doing VERY well. All the nurses that meet him just LOVE him. They all say that he is an exceptional baby! :)
No photos for this week, maybe next week :)