Friday, September 25, 2009

Looking back on Week 2

Little Mikael continues to grow! :)
He is just such a great blessing and gift from God to his mamma and pappa- and to all who meet him!
Mamma, pappa and **Ouma noticed this week that Mikael is VERY yellow. The nurse recommended that we go to the hospital just to check.
Ouma Naomi left this week to go back to South Africa! Mamma will miss her VERY much! Ouma and Oupa plan to come visit in December, YIPPPEEEE!!!!
When we went to the hospital the doctors said that he is too yellow, well actually orange, and told us that Mikael and mamma will have to stay at the hospital without
pappa!!! Mamma was very nervous about that as everyone speaks Ukrainian at the hospital. Mamma can't even understand them- but stay we had to. They put a lamp on Mikael's belly and switched to his back. (Mikael LOVED sleeping on his belly, mamma was really nervous though) We did this for an hour and a half/ 2 hours at a time between feedings. Mikael was so good and patient with everyone fussing over the lamp, waking him to check his temperature, weighing him, etc.
The REAL shock though was that at the hospital we got to know that Mikael is being under fed and that he has lost too much weight! He was born at 3.100kg and now today he weighed only 2.940kg!!! So we are going to work hard on that for the next week! :)
**Ouma means grandma and Oupa means grandpa in Afrikaans

Friday, September 18, 2009

Looking back on Mikael's First Week

Wow!!! There is SO much to say about this week!!! It has just been so amazing, awesome, breath-taking and wow, no words could ever describe!!! Mikael is such a star!! He is so super content and calm!
We heard that one should never wake a baby, but this whole week we have had to wake Mikael since he was just LOVING his naps. :)
There has been so many "firsts" this week! He breathed, ate, cried, moved, opened his eyes, bathed, and the list goes on! Wow, it is just so amazing to watch him in everything he does!
Mikael's umbilical cord also fell off this week!
Ouma** Naomi came for a visit all the way from South Africa! She has been a GREAT blessing to mamma as mamma gets used to caring for Mikael. There are just so many things that mamma does not know.
Today Mikael was lying on his belly and picked up his head turning it completely to the other side!!! The nurse said that he is a very strong boy! :)
**Ouma means grandma in Afrikaans
Awe- just look at that little foot!!!

Mikael all wrapped up in his carry bed (he does not really like being too wrapped up and always finds some way of getting his little hands out no matter how tightly we wrap him)

Mikael in the bath- He LOVES bathing!!!

Mikael and his beloved ouma